Thursday 20 December 2012

Day Three (what already?)

Not much to say, getting into a routine. Yesterday I went on the bus, it was ok except that I was too hot almost all the way, then finally realized I hadn't opened the air conditioning duct over my head! Today the weather is suddenly really cold and pouring with rain, so I decided to spoil myself, cancelled work and stayed in bed, yaaaay! I'm really hoping Oren will be back from work in time to take me today, because he has taken the umbrella. (See, this is one of those countries where people have one umbrella, just for emergencies.)
The only side effect I can say definitely that I am experiencing so far is a change in the taste of food. Ketchup tastes really acidic, and pecans taste really really good, I mean world class. Vodka tastes really good too, but this morning I have a bit of a hang over, so maybe I shouldn't really be drinking it with chemotherapy, well daaaah. Chocolate is still ok but a bit tasteless. This list gives away too much about my eating habits, doesn't it? Although I must say that Oren made a really good healthy Thai stir fry yesterday and it was great. I also have a bit of a craving for mashed potato with butter.

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