Thursday, 16 January 2014

Back to Reality....

After seven wonderful weeks spent in Palawan, Philippines, we are back in Israel for the operation to close my stoma. I had a really good time on Chasamba, and I know she needed our care urgently too; Oren and I worked hard almost all the seven weeks, chipping and sanding, fibreglassing and painting, repairing sails and  trying to fix the engine. It was just what the doctor ordered, a complete break from cancer treatment, tests and visits to the oncologist; I wish we didn't have to come back to reality with such a bump. After a grueling journey of 36 hours by plane, plane, 7 hours in Abu Dhabi, plane, bus, bus and finally bus, we arrived home to a lovely surprise of a bed ready to hop into, hot water for a shower and a welcome from Oren's brothers and mother. We are both still jet lagged and have colds, but gradually are finding our land legs.
 Today I went to get referrals for blood tests, a CT scan, chest x-ray and ecg, on Sunday I have blood tests done, on Thursday the CT, on the 26th pre op and on the 2nd of February I go to get my stoma closed. I am so used to it, it will be weird not having it. And probably inconvenient, to be honest. Oh well, here we go again!

1 comment:

  1. there is my pirate girl! welcome home! you were missed but I'm so glad you had a lovely time working on your boat. I had another CT scan - my lungs are stable which is extra sweet. I was worried the nodules would have shrunk and then they would have assumed they were cancer. I just finished my 5th oxali infusion. I'm going to do 3 more. Heading in today for an IV of fluids. So glad you are doing well!!! Love, MonkeyME
