Sunday, 10 February 2013

PET scan day is over...

Good news! The official results will be out in ten days, but the technician who did the scan was very nice, and told me that there are no metastases anywhere from my head to toe, and furthermore the original tumour has shriveled up and is hardly visible at all.
I am so happy! It doesn't mean I don't need to be carved up and bombarded with poisonous chemicals during the rest of the year, but it does mean that I have a good chance of getting rid of the cancer completely.
The scan itself was uneventful, I was given an injection of radioactive isotopes and then sat for about an hour drinking pink water with contrast medium in it. Most people say it is awful, but I don't mind it much, it's pretty tasteless. Then I was called in to the PET scanner. I had to lie on a narrow bed with my arms over my head while the bed hummed and buzzed its way into a white tunnel. Kind of like being the hot dog in a big bun ( can you guess I had to fast for four hours before this?). Then it came out again, and that was that. Easy, painless, amazing.
I have been doing research into who survives cancer, and how, or why they do. I have come to some simple answers, and mean to implement them. The people who beat cancer;
  1. Exercise daily
  2. Reduce blood insulin levels by eating less simple carbohydrates ( a low GI diet)
  3. Keep stress levels down
So, that's what I need to do. I have already been on a hunting expedition and have managed to capture and drag back to my lair the carcasses of several types of bean. Hummous, thankfully, is a low GI food, and avocado is too, so I think I will manage to stave off starvation. Actually, lots of foods are low GI ( GI means glycemic index), just not the ones I used to cram myself with. Fruit and vegetables are all ok, except banana which is a bit iffy. Most meat and fish is ok too, just really processed stuff with flour in is out. Peanut butter is good, although bread isn't too good, so you just have to eat it off the spoon, oh dear.
Exercise is easy, I have started doing yoga seriously again, after too long. My whole body aches, but it deserves it anyway. I am walking too, about five kilometers a day.
As for stress levels, I'm pretty well off there too, no big stressors around. I'm living in a quiet, pleasant place where I can hear the birds singing in the morning. Actually singing is an understatement, they seem to have a competition for loudest bird every morning. I don't have to work if I don't feel like it, I have no money problems ( no money, no problems, you know...), and I have an understanding and supportive partner. So, I have nothing to complain about!


  1. Well this is all very good news.

    Good luck with the diet thing - the no bread thing sounds tricky - how can you eat falafel without a pitta bread?

    Apparently the natives from around here have one of the longest life expectancies in the World, which they put down to eating lots of duck meat and drinking Madiran (red wine). There's no mention of hummous, avocados or peanut butter, but non of these are foods you'd generally eat whilst wearing a beret.

    As for the stress, you have the advantage of not being a Birmingham City fan.

    1. Wow, I haven't had falafel for months! It's not really that common here any more, but I guess I could have it on a plate with all the salads that would be stuffed in the pita usually.
      I've heard of the long life expectancy round your way. Of course, not being blown up on buses or having to deal with Israeli bureaucracy would probably help.....
